
Welcome to The Invisible Hand of Leadership© site – an extension resource to our leadership development program! The Invisible Hand of Leadership© is based on the premise that every business, team, and organization has both a visible and invisible hand of leadership that permeates its culture and guides decision making, effectiveness, performance, and, ultimately, the legacy of its leaders. As leaders take a visible role in developing other leaders, they instill an invisible impact to future leaders, some of whom they may never meet or see. This program helps high-performing and high-potential leaders develop their authentic leadership voice, maximize their potential, and achieve their goals in sports, business, and life.

7 Roles Image

The 7 Roles of a Transformational Leader©


If you are currently going through one of our existing programs, you can log in to the members only area to access additional resources. Make sure that you have registered and have received your log in id and password before accessing the members only area. If you are already logged in, click on your Dashboard or any other resource underneath the Pages or Posts section to the right to begin.

If you are interested in bringing The Invisible Hand of Leadership© to your organization or company, you can email Mike for more information.